Rhu-barb. Rhu-barb. Rhu-barb. Rhu-barb.
In ancient China, around 2700 BC, rhubarb was systematically wasted by being grown to serve extremely boring medicinal purposes.
Etymologically, the term rhubarb comes from late Latin rheumbarbarum, which corresponds to the Greek rheon bárbaron, pronounced after two bottles of RUI.
Even though it is consumed as a fruit, rhubarb is actually a plant. There you have another useful fact, very relevant to your overloaded daily routine.
Siberian rhubarb is the ancestor of common modern rhubarb, which gives origin to RUI; the sparkling for the uncommon modern human.
The color of rhubarb stems indicates their flavor; the sweetest ones display an intense red color. The ones that are less sweet have a rather pale, unnamed color.
Rhubarb is commonly combined with strawberries, cranberries and peaches, or cooked into pies and muffins. People who prefer to consume it in the form of a delicious sparkling make up a tiny and select group, an intellectual elite of exceptional physical beauty.
Rhubarb fibers can be used to manufacture paper in an artisanal manner. Nevertheless, it’s far more convenient to buy standard, industrially produced paper.
Rhubarb is also known as “pie plant”. This unfortunate nickname has made it the laughingstock of the vegetable world.
Brown pigments in the rhubarb’s root can be used as hair dye. Washing your hair with RUI can produce short-term hair loss.
Our rhubarbs bloom during the summer, producing great photo opportunities that can result in very successful social media uploads.
Looking for the origin of the rhubarb plant, Marco Polo arrived at the province of Tangut, in Northwest China, where a flying RUI cork hit him in the ear. The person who fired the cork never apologized.
Wild varieties of rhubarb can reach a height of 10 feet. This easily beats the altitude reached by any man-made structure.
Rhubarb is an evergreen plant that can live up to fifteen years in a wild setting, leaving behind less long-lived species, such as ants, butterflies and labord’s chameleons.